I have news... June 30-July 5th
WE ARE GOING TO HAWAII!!!!!! (*cue Hawaiian music*)
JJ was in a series of football competitions and is one of 10 high school junior finalists (out of 2100 kids) who has been invited to Maui to participate at the next level. Needless to say we are VERY proud of him and beyond excited- Jeff and I decided that since the kids are getting older- this may be the last family vacation we might be able to take with just the five of us.
The last big vacation like this we took with the kids was to La Romana in the Dominican Republic about 4 years ago. As the kids were growing up we didn't do many "big" vacations- we would usually go to our cabin in the mountains, or go to the beach. We didn't have to spend a lot of money on those kinds of vacations- and through the years we have been pretty frugal when it came to family vacations. Looking back we didn't go anywhere besides the cabin the first 15 years we were married- it has only been in the last ten years that we have traveled more.