Top of my list of course my family & friends. I am very thankful that I have everyone home this Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for God - I am also thankful that he does not always answer my prayers in the way I think they should be answered.
I am thankful for my husband Jeff, he is my rock, my partner, my everything. I cannot imagine my life without him in it.
I am thankful for each of my children. Jenny, Stefanie & J.J. bring me such joy even while they sometimes drive me crazy. They are all growing up to be unique interesting individuals who I am very proud of.
I am thankful for my health and the health of my family- We all take our health for granted because there are many people who are living with debilitating diseases for whom seeing another Thanksgiving is truly a miracle.
I am thankful for my home, because there are many who do not have homes or who are losing their homes due to the economy.
I am thankful to have a job- not that I love my job, but I am happy I have a paycheck coming in...
I am thankful for my pets- my two dogs give me such joy- I take them for granted too- Buffy is a gentle soul and even though Cali can be a handful and is still in her "puppy stage" chewing things up & having the occasional "accident".
I am thankful that our family is economically "ok" we're not rich, but we have enough.
Some other stuff which are favorites and I am thankful for:
- flowers- there is something nice about having fresh flowers in your home
- chocolate - needs no explanation.
- summer = NO SCHOOL!
- my swimming pool- my favorite place to hang out during the summer
- when my kids just hug me for no reason
- my orthopedic pillow
- massages
- Christmas morning
- facebook and the games I play there
- microwaves
- for parents who told me “NO” sometimes
- blogging
- sunglasses
- coming home right after my cleaning lady cleaned and my house looks and smells good
- wine
- a good book
- Starbucks white chocolate lattes
- ice cream
- pedicures
- my cell phone and the ability to text with it - my life is so much easier with it
- when I can sleep all night without waking up - not a frequent phenomenon
- remote controls
- hearing my husband and kids tell me they love me
- snow days
- going to the movies
- that sound you hear when you open a Snapple bottle
- my laptop- even though my employer actually owns it-