Now I understand that all kids at one time or another behave like this, however by the time we were all trapped in the plane- both kids decided to scream and try and climb over the seats and bother everyone around them for the ENTIRE flight. We were 3 rows behind them so we had a birds eye view of what was going on. My problem with this whole scenario is that the parents did NOTHING to reprimand or even try to control their kids. During the flight they were observed to be passed back and forth between parents. The kids tried to climb over the tops of the seats in front of them to see what the passengers were doing. Then the 4 y/o kept trying to push the air/light buttons as well as grab the book the woman behind him was trying to read. ::This is Parental FAILURE::

At one point the stewardess (upon the request of another passenger) went and asked the parents to buckle the boys in (for safety reasons)- this lasted all of about 5 minutes. I can only imagine what these kids are going to be like 10 yrs. from now.
Unfortunately it made for a miserable hour and a half for everyone on the plane. So I propose that the airlines adopt the following... if a child simply cannot behave themselves during the flight they should be placed in an alternative area for the duration of the flight:

OMG, that last photo is hilarious! So funny! I have a theory about flying and it's this: The first weirdo that you see upon entering the airport is the person who will not only be on your flight, but will be sitting next to you or near you.