Saturday, December 11, 2010


Last night our oldest, Jenny got engaged!!!

Her boyfriend- now fiance Mike proposed and gave her a beautiful ring!

the "rock"

She is ecstatic- it is so nice to see her so happy! :)  

so... now what?! 

I think I need a "how to" book right about now!

Any suggestions?


  1. Oh, I can only imagine the work entailed....I'd be the same way.

    Now what?

    Best wishes!!

  2. Fun, fun, fun! I will start nagging my mother-in-law to write a book on how to be the best mother-in-law, so you can read it and learn from the master. She is the best and really should at least hold workshops.

    Have fun wedding planning! :)

  3. Please give her our congratulations. So exciting and the ring is GORGEOUS! Wow.

    Can wait to read all about the wedding plans and see the pics [please, please, please :)]

  4. Wow, that ring is gorgeous! I had a simple wedding, so I have no idea - my MIL actually planned the whole thing for me, that's how low maintenance my day was - I was marrying my best friend and that's all that mattered! :D
