Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This photo challenge has been developed by Mike and Ziva, you can see everyone
participating by linking up @ Ziva's Inferno.


All I had in my wallet... usually I have 3 to 4 x this amount and TRY to get rid of them
Sorry for the crappy quality.... 
I stayed up late watching the debate and had to snap a quick pic this morning with my cell phone.


  1. I try not to carry too much change - it weighs too much!

  2. I hate carrying a bunch of change around in my pants pockets. I have trouble keeping my pants pulled up.

  3. I never carry change - which means that I keep getting more. It is a vicious cycle...

  4. I've finally started doing what my husband does: at the end of each day, I unload all my change into a jar. Those coins get heavy to tote around in my purse. 'Course it's easier for him since he just empties his pockets. I have to search for them wherever they landed at the bottom of on the sections of my purse.

  5. I did the same thing, Barb... stayed up too late watching the debate and then got up and took a quick picture with my phone. (I notice you're richer than I am, though.)

  6. I stayed up way too late last night too. And I think you did a fine job!

  7. I love it because if people are relying on quality, I'm hosed.

  8. coins are coins, you got the job done. some days it is what it is.

  9. I did the EXACT same thing. And this was the one prompt I thought I'd be able to get done early and easily. Hah!

  10. I wasn't able to go to everyone's sites yesterday I was running so late... you managed a coin picture when I nearly didn't make it. Yea!

  11. I never carry cash, not even coins. It's really a hassle sometimes, too. Like when I want a candy bar from the vending machine. I hate shaking down little kids for change when I've got a sugar craving.

  12. Im proud to be the webmaster of Garfields Memorial Team House Association, a site deicated to the fallen soldiers of the war on terror in the Philippines. I was recently honored by being presented a challenge coin from SEAL Team One These men are proud to serve and sacifice for there nation and to help other nations fight terroism. I'm proud to help them
